Category: Japan

  • Okay…Japan in autumn

    Hi there.

    Sometimes in life you are lucky! And this time it was me. I got couple of days leave left and I will go back to Japan. A second time. Heck yeah!
    And it will be in autumn. A lot of red leaves, feels like maybe Canada and a lot of goood food ^.^

    So, see you there!

  • It’s Japan. As usual. 

    As every year – I’m in Japan. For now I will spend five weeks in and I’m pretty much enjoying this stay!

    Family is in good condition and Japan’s economy looks more or less stable.

  • Going to Japan

    1. Job is nearly fixed
    2. Master of Science nearly achieved
    3. Time to go to Japan

    This time I will go to Hokkaido and to the japanese sea for some family vacation – stay tuned!

  • Fujiwara, Kei

    We met Kei in Japan and he was a special traveller who won our hearts by ease.
    Thus I will do some promotion – please check out his first webpage representing his music and career.

  • Spain 2014

    Spain 2014

    We did it! We drove > 5200 km from Germany to Spain and back to visit very special friends who are living in Spain.

    Too much fresh and healthy stuff to eat. Plenty of splendid moments. Thank you for beeing just perfect.

  • The japanese way of the german “Die Maus”

    Yes – everyone knows it. Everyone can see it. But nobody knows how it is to sit in the middle.
    In germany our precious TV show “Die Maus” would be the way of educating our little ones.
    In Japan it might be more the “manga-style” – and here it comes!

  • 5 days left in Kempten

    time to pack up all my belongings and stuff it in the attic.

    on thursday 15th I’ll be in Essen, its time to meet some good old friends!
    Who’s in?

    And after another 5 days – I’ll leave for south africa. YES!

  • trying to change the blog’s language…

    hey there…

    first attempt: I’m tryin’ now to switch language to english concerning a bunch of people who can’t read german *oh no*

    but…I’m hardly trying to update my blog software first ’til I’ll post furthermore entries…

    hope you all feel fine – its cold as hell in Germany!

  • umgezogen

    es ist vollbracht.
    ich bin umgezogen, die FH hat angefangen.
    Und ich bin happy – das alles halbwegs glattgegangen ist!!
    Soweit: Neue Festnetznummer – ansonsten nichts..

  • Obon – wenn die Geister zurückkehren…

    Ja ja – die Geister der Ahnen kehren auf die Erde zurück
    (Oder so ähnlich lautet die alljährliche Obon-Message)

    Aber aber – ich war nicht zum Besuch der zurückkehrenden Toten in Kansai, sondern um meine Verwandten zum letzten Mal zu besuchen. Und so ging es nach Kyoto (Oma, Tante, Cousine, Mutter), Hirakata (Vor-Ort von Osaka, zwei Tanten), Osaka (1 Cousin). Last station: Nagoya – just for Fun!

    So noch ein paar Fotos aus Kyoto….servus und gute Nacht!